Red Ink on Heather Blue Unisex T-shirt
Design by Dag Juhlin
Artist Bio and Statement:
Dag Juhlin is a Chicago music scene veteran, who, some 40 years into his career is somehow busier than ever, with his bands Sunshine Boys, Expo'76, Courtesy Patrol, Sonic45, and local legends Poi Dog Pondering. Regarding his design, he says:
These days, there barely seems to be a lament or diatribe that doesn't begin along the lines of 'In these divided times...' This division doesn't seem to be showing any signs of slowing down or getting less deeply entrenched. But I can't help returning to the thought that everything, everyone, is indeed connected. Our basic needs and desires aren't that different. My statement 'Everything Is Connected' aims to be a reminder that we'll all affect each other somehow; we’ll all be affected directly by what feels like the trouble that's lurking just ahead, via our actions or inactions. Unity, that most seemingly impossible dream, somehow feels like our only chance of survival. It's my hope that we strive for ways to acknowledge our differences, while strengthening our connections and our understanding of each other.